fomos à Sic Mulher fazer mais uma Rubrica Rosebonbon. Apesar de estar
com umas olheiras gigantes e a parecer ter 150 anos, correu bem... :). A
Ana Rita Clara para além de ser gira como é, é super simpática e
profissional! Demos ideias de decorações de mesas para festas e de
handmade para os convidados levarem. Tem muito mais
graça quando tudo é feito em casa! O link está aqui: Espero que gostem e
que se inspirem para criar em casa!
we went to Sic Mulher ( a Tv show here in Portugal) again. It's now the
third time we go on Tv to share creative ideas and hope to inspire you
to create your own decorations and gifts. I looked tired and like I'm
150 years'old - it's the twins and all the sleep deprivation since uh,
like since they were born (nobody told me you would never sleep like
there is no tomorrow ever again once you start breeding! :)) - but
otherwise everything went well. The host Ana Rita Clara is really
gorgeous and so nice and professional that she makes it seem like a walk
in the park... Hope you get inspired! Here is the link: (although you
really would have to understand portuguese to watch it ;))

Aqui está o video da rubrica Rosebonbon sobre festas. Espero que gostem e que vos inspirar!
Here's the Rosebonbon video about parties on Sic Mulher. I hope you enjoy it and get inspired
for your own creations!