Aqui está um fantoche de dedo para inventar histórias mágicas e brincar à Páscoa.

Here is a finger puppet to make up magical stories and play on Easter Day!
PORT: Coelhinhos de páscoa feitos de rolos de papel para enfeitar as mesas
ou esconder no jardim… Podem-se encher com bombons - ficam super
ENG: Easter bunnies made with toilet roles can make fun centerpieces for your table! Or just hiide them in the garden, and play make believe. You can fill them up with candy, too!
PORT: Porque não fazer orelhas de coelhinho para todos? Fica o máximo e os miúdos adoram!
ENG: Or just make some bunny ears for the whole family and just have a laugh or 2... The children love them!
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